NOW 2024 Supporters

The Nuclear Opportunities Workshop (NOW) is an annual nuclear industry conference focused on all aspects of the nuclear industry for professionals, suppliers, and students held in the Oak Ridge Corridor of Tennessee.
Companies have the opportunity to promote their organization at different levels with inclusion in pre-event marketing, presence during the event in printed, digital and on-screen materials as well as provided exhibition space. Post-event marketing is also a benefit with emails to attendees, social media posts, and the company's logo on the ETEC website until next year’s workshop.
The following are opportunities to support the conference and promote your company or organization. New options have been added for 2024. Benefits for each category are included in each section. Benefits that all supporters receive are at the bottom of the screen. If you have questions, please contact Hailey.
The cost for an individual registration is $600 per attendee. There will be a $100 early bird discount offered May 1-31, 2024. Students attend for free. All NOW events will be held at the Hilton Knoxville Airport.

$12,000 (SOLD OUT)
Presenting supporter
- Ten (10) complimentary conference registrations (a $6,000 value)
- Premium exhibit space: two (2) 6’ skirted tables, four (4) chairs
- Prominent exhibit space placement
- Logo on banner in meeting room
- Social media: logo, company name, tag, and website link included in one dedicated post
- Social media: logo, company name, and tag in a group supporter social media post (pre- and post-event)
- Opportunity to be a moderator or presenter during the workshop
- Inclusion in the press release
- Reserved private meeting room during both days
- Workshop program recognition from podium on both days
$7,500 (SOLD OUT)
Meals & Breaks
- Six (6) complimentary conference registrations, (a $3,600 value)
- Exhibit space: one (1) 6-ft skirted table, 2 chairs
- Social media: logo, company name, and tag in a group supporter social media post (pre- and post-event)
- Dedicated signage on or near the food/drinks
- Recognition during conference announcements on the day of
- Marketing benefits as listed below
$10,000 (SOLD OUT)
For NOW attendees and community members on July 30, 5:00-7:00 pm
- Eight (8) complimentary conference registrations (a $4,800 value)
- Exhibit space: one (1) 6-ft skirted table, 2 chairs
- Heavy hors d'oeuvres
- Drinks (Beer & Wine)
- Social media: logo, company name, tag, and website link included in one dedicated post
- Social media: logo, company name, and tag in a group supporter social media post (pre- and post-event)
- Dedicated signage during the reception
- Recognition during conference announcements on both days
- Marketing benefits as listed below
$6,000 (SOLD OUT)
- Four (4) complimentary conference registrations (a $2,400 value)
- Exhibit space: one (1) 6-ft skirted table, 2 chairs
- Social media: company name and tag in a group supporter social media post (pre- and post-event)
- Recognition during conference announcements on both days
- Marketing benefits as listed below
$4,500 (SOLD OUT)
Supporting Student Attendance: all students, interns, and post-doctoral candidates may attend the NOW Conference at no charge. This opportunity helps to cover student-related expenses.
- Two (2) complimentary conference registrations (a $1,200 value)
- Exhibit space: one (1) 6-ft skirted table, 2 chairs
- Covers conference expenses for students
- Recognition during conference announcements
- Exclusive access to designated space in the student hospitality room for your organization's marketing materials
- The student hospitality room serves as a networking hub for students, fostering valuable connections with organizations in attendance. This room is open to all conference attendees for interaction.
- Receive a list of students’ attendees contact information for communication and networking capabilities
- Marketing benefits as listed below

$3,000 (SOLD OUT)
- Two (2) complimentary conference registrations (a $1,200 value)
- Exhibit space: one (1) 6-ft skirted table, 2 chairs
- Marketing benefits as listed below
Marketing Benefits All Supporters Receive:
Company logo as listed below.
- In ETEC’s member & nuclear e-newsletters
- In ETEC Friday pre-meeting slideshows
- On all attendee communications
- On the ETEC website: NOW, event, and registration pages
- Placement on all printed materials
- Placement on event signage
- Placement on rotating slides during welcome and breaks
- In the ETEC e-newsletter
- In attendee follow up email(s)
- On save-the-date communications for next year
- On the ETEC website until next year’s NOW Conference