NOW 2024 Recap
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ETEC's 6th annual Nuclear Opportunities Workshop hosted over 600 attendees that included not only experts in both nuclear fission and fusion energy, national security, radioisotopes, environmental management, policy, regulation, reactors, and workforce, but also 100 students and a multitude of industry representatives interested in working with nuclear companies in these fields. The 2 full-day conference and Atomic After Party was held in the Oak Ridge Corridor at the Hilton Knoxville Airport on Tuesday & Wednesday, July 30-31, 2024.
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee opened the conference with a welcome video created especially for the event. Click here to watch the video. Photos from the event can be found here.
The panel discussions and atomic insight conversations covered a range of topics pertinent to the nuclear industry. (For session summaries scroll to the end.)
- Advanced Reactors: Pioneering the Future of Energy
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s Impact on the Nuclear Industry
- Department of Energy Priorities
- Energy Security: Safeguarding our Future
- Fusion Energy: From Theory to Power Grid
- The Future Begins with Cleanup
- Innovative Applications of Nuclear Technologies
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Nuclear Workforce, Training, and Education
- Policy and Regulation Landscape
- Tennessee’s Nuclear Energy Advisory Council (TNEAC)
Insightful and informative keynote presentations were given by:
- Brian Smith, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Reactors, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Brandon Gibson, Chief Operating Officer, Governor's Office, State of Tennessee
- Candice Robertson, Senior Advisor for Environmental Management (EM1), U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management
Elected Officials joining us included:
- Chuck Fleischmann, U.S. Congressman, 3rd District Tennessee
- Randy McNally, Lt. Governor, State of Tennessee
- Ken Yager, Senator, State of Tennessee
- Terry Frank, Mayor, Anderson County, Tennessee
- Wade Creswell, County Executive, Roane County, Tennessee
- Sean Gleason, Councilman, Oak Ridge City Council
At the Atomic After Party, presented by Nuclear Services Partners, on Tuesday evening, July 30, attendees enjoyed interacting with each other and meeting the members of ETEC and the Oak Ridge community who joined us specifically to welcome our conference attendees.
New features were added to the NOW Conference in 2024:
- A technology-driven interactive session with the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council (TNEAC)
- Headshot booth where attendees received a free professional headshot
- Student hospitality room that hosted 2 of our academic partners, Roane State Community College and TN College of Applied Technology-Knoxville (TCAT). TCAT brought a hands-on interactive excavator training tool and custom etching demonstrations.
- Exhibit Explorer Activity for students to learn and interact with our 50+ supporters who had display booths in the exhibit area.
Speaking of students, we were pleased to have over 100 students in attendance. They made meaningful connections with companies there and many secured interviews with potential employers. We appreciate our Radiant Student Advocates, AtkinsRealis, NPower Solutions, Perma Fix, and UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute for supporting student attendees.
Significant news was announced during the conference:
- Type One Energy announced they will be locating their headquarters in the Hardin Valley area of Knoxville in the Oak Ridge Corridor. They have also closed their seed round with $82.5 million! Read more here.
- Kairos Power started construction of the Hermes Reactor in the historic East Tennessee Technology Park! Read more here.
- LIS Technologies is working on bringing laser isotope separation for uranium enrichment (LEU and HALEU) technology to Oak Ridge, Tennessee in the East Tennessee Technology Park! More details will be coming soon.
- The dates for NOW 2025 were released. The 7th annual Nuclear Opportunities Workshop will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 22-23, 2025.
We appreciate all the speakers and moderators, attendees, students, ETEC’s Nuclear Working Group, and volunteers, who helped to make this year’s conference a huge success. But the biggest thanks goes out to all the supporters! Their presence at the NOW Conference goes beyond monetary support. It contributes to sharing the narrative of nuclear capabilities and our collective goal of learning, promoting, connecting, and networking. We are thankful for each of them!
- Consolidated Nuclear Security
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Nuclear Services Partners
- Energy Network: Tennessee Advanced Energy Business Council (TAEBC) with Launch TN
- LIS Technologies
- Tennessee Tech University
- WM Symposia
- Bechtel Corporation
- Boston Government Services
- Centrus Energy Corp.
- Day & Zimmermann
- EnergySolutions
- Kiewit
- MillenniTEK
- Nano Nuclear Energy
- Navarro
- Paschal Solutions (PSI)
- Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC)
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation
- AtkinsRéalis
- NPower Solutions
- Perma-Fix Environmental Services
- University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute
- Omega Technical Services
- Nuclear Energy Institute
- Barnhart
- City of Oak Ridge
- Edwards Supply Company
- Energy, Technology, and Environmental Business Association (ETEBA)
- GEM Technologies
- Jacobs
- Job Pop by PBS
- Kairos Power
- Longenecker & Associates
- Meridian Services Group
- Merrick
- MS Technology
- Pelican Energy Partners
- Rockwell Automation
- S&ME
- Scientific Sales
- Spectra Tech
- Strata-G
- Thompson Engineering
- Type One Energy
- WBL Solutions
Make plans NOW to join us in 2025! For information about the 2025 NOW Conference, click here.
For more information about the nuclear industry in Tennessee, click here.
To receive updates about NOW 2025, click here.
Day one of ETEC's NOW Conference began with Governor Bill Lee welcoming attendees to the conference via video. Congressman Chuck Fleischmann gave a brief legislative update and emphasized the importance of TVA's Clinch River Project. We heard from featured speakers Brian Smith, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Reactors, Office of Nuclear Energy for U.S. DOE, about DOE's priorities for advanced reactors; and, Brandon Gibson, COO for the State of Tennessee who talked about the excitement around nuclear energy at the state level.
Our first Atomic Insights session, NOW's version of a fireside chat, was 'The Future Begins with Cleanup'. Nuclear energy consultant Adam DeMella, DOE OREM Manager, Jay Mullis and UCOR CEO Ken Rueter discussed how partnerships between contractors and community make a difference and most importantly how cleanup enables critical mission work and economic development for the community. They also talked about the value of a qualified workforce and the need for more and expanded apprenticeship programs.
WM Symposia hosted the networking breaks during our NOW Conference. Robert Weiler, WM Symposia Board Member, gave a brief update about WM Symposia before one of the breaks.
The Fusion Energy: From Theory to Power Grid panel moderated by Brian Wirth, soon to be head of UTK's Department of Nuclear Engineering, featured breaking news. Chris Mowry, CEO of Type One Energy announced they will be locating their headquarters in the Hardin Valley area of Knoxville in the Oak Ridge Corridor. They also announced they closed their seed round with $82.5 million! The panel then discussed achieving breakeven in fusion energy, the process to commercial viability, and how fusion energy will integrate into the power system. The panel also featured Cami Collins, ORNL; Brenda Garcia-Diaz, SRNL; Steven Krahn, Vanderbilt University; and Patrick Ellis, General Fusion.
The TN Advanced Energy Business Council (TAEBC) and Launch TN hosted our lunch on Day 1. Cortney Piper, Executive Director of the TAEBC spoke about the work they are doing.
The NOW Conference Nuclear Fuel Cycle panel featured moderators Peter Newby with MS Technology and Lloyd Jollay with Boston Government Services. Panelists included Larry Cutlip, Centrus Energy; Dan Brown, TRISO-X; Micah Hackett, Kairos Power; and, Brian Ade, Ultra Safe Nuclear. They talked about their company's role in the fuel cycle, the status of their projects, and the design and development they are undertaking.
The NOW Conference panel Energy Security is National Security, Safeguarding our Future, talked about how national and energy security are related, major security concerns, host city and community ideas, R&D needs, and what keeps them up at night. Fascinating and scary. Riche Tighe, CEO of CNS, made preliminary comments and introduced the moderator. Moderated by Martin Williamson, CNS Panelists included: Jennifer Charlton, Y-12; Cary Crawford, ORNL; Sean Gleason, IB3 Global Solutions and Oak Ridge City Council; Sherrell Greene, Advanced Technology Insights; Teresa Robbins, NNSA; and, Krista Wiegand, UTK Baker School.
Tennessee's Nuclear Energy Advisory Council (TNEAC) panel gave an overview of the work completed in the past year in the areas of workforce strategies, public and private funding opportunities, and state incentives and regulatory concerns. They then hosted a NOW first, a technology-driven interactive session to gain the audience's feedback on each of these areas. They will use the results to assist in the development of a final report to the Tennessee’s governor.
NOW's second Atomic Insights session was the Pathway to Deployment with speakers Jeff Lyash, CEO of TVA; Maria Korsnick, CEO of NEI; Stephen Streiffer, Director, ORNL, and moderator Jeff Smith, VP National Labs, UT System. They spoke about partnerships, alignment, and initiatives such as the UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute, and issues like closing the back end of the fuel cycle, renewables, fusion energy, and their one wish.
NOW Conference attendees enjoyed hearing from featured speaker Candice Robertson before the Atomic After Party. Candice is the Senior Advisor, Office of Environment Management for the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Atomic After Party was a great way to celebrate and connect with 600 plus attendees at the end of NOW Day 1. Attendees appreciated a welcome from our local elected officials and Atomic After Party supporter, Nuclear Services Partners.
NOW Day 2 began with a welcome from Consolidated Nuclear Security's Gene Sievers. Gene is the Y-12 National Security Complex Site Manager. We also heard from our breakfast supporter for both days of the conference, LIS Technologies. LIST's CEO & Co-founder, Christo Libenberg, also said a few words of welcome.
The first Atomic Insights session of the day was Artificial Intelligence's Impact on the Nuclear Industry. Prashant Jain, ORNL; Mike Drudy, Westinghouse; and, Kristian Kielhofner, Atomic Canyon spoke about how AI needs nuclear and nuclear needs AI. AI can be used for training, modeling, maintenance determinations, to increase productivity, find resources in a company's data stores, and more.
The second Atomic Insights session was Partnering with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with speaker and moderator Peter Hastings, Kairos Power; Rob Taylor, NRC; and, Jennifer Wheeler, TRISO-X. Peter reviewed Kairos' process and status on their NRC applications and announced to a round of applause that Kairos Power broke ground for the Hermes Demonstration Reactor Project on their site at the historic East TN Technology Park!
The first of four panels for NOW Day 2 was the Policy and Regulation Landscape at State Local, and National Levels. Peter Hastings, Kairos Power, moderated a panel that included Rob Taylor, NRC; Molly Cripps, TDEC; Amy Fitzgerald, City of Oak Ridge; Terry Frank, Anderson County Mayor; and Ben Holtzman, NEI. Each of the panelists spoke about this topic from their perspective and discussed nuclear project development, part 53, and community and stakeholder engagement and communication.
NOW's second panel on Day 2 was the Innovative Applications of Nuclear Technologies moderated by Julie Ezold, ORNL/DOE; and Lloyd Jollay, BGS. Panelists included: Ivis Chaple Gore, UTK; Brad Johnson, ORNL; Christo Liebenberg, LIS Technologies; and Clint Mori, UCOR. They discussed isotopes and 4 interesting applications for nuclear in the medical, battery, fuel, and clean up sectors.
Lunch on Day 2 was hosted by Tennessee Tech University. Jeffrey King, Founding Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program at TN Tech spoke to us about the new program.
The Non-Linear Approaches to Workforce Challenges was NOW's third panel on Day 2. Bill Tindal, Omega Technical Services moderated. Panelists were Naomi Asher, Boys and Girls Club of the TN Valley; Mark Buckner, Oak Ridge High School's iSchool; Olivia Blackmon, ORAU STEM Accelerator; Joe Stainback, Roane State Community College; Jeff King, Tennessee Tech. University; and Jamie Choate, TVA. They talked about each of their specific educational and training initiatives that don't follow traditional pathways but are making a big impact. Connections are key with each other's programs, with industry, with the community, with current and potential partners, and volunteers.
The last, but certainly not least, panel of the NOW Conference was Advanced Reactors: Pioneering the Future of Energy with moderator Greg Boerschig, TVA's Clinch River Project; and panelists: Michael Durr, TVA; Rita Baranwal, Westinghouse; Florent Heidet, Ultra Safe Nuclear; and, Evan Cummings, Kairos Power. They spoke about the status of their projects, technologies both nuclear and non-nuclear. There were many questions from the audience that covered key challenges, needs, and what the future holds.
Bob Morris, Chairman of ETEC's Nuclear Working Group and emcee for the event wrapped up the conference with the prize drawings, an announcements about next year's NOW Conference, invited everyone to learn more about ETEC, and attend one of our Friday Morning Meetings.